[Prism54-users] No rule to make drivers/net/wireless/prism54/prism54.c

Ed Herr ed.herr@charter.net
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 06:38:15 -0600

In order to compile the driver with 2.6.0-test9 (patched with patch- 
2.6.0-test9-prism54-CVS-2003-11-03.bz2) I had to change the kernel  
makefile in drivers/net/wireless. Michael Bienia has a much better  
solution than the ugly kludge I put together (I am not very familiar  
with GNU make). It should compile successfully as a module (I have yet  
to be successful in compiling as a built-in... as the driver still is  
not totally stable this is just as well) Here is his note:

"Changing the "obj-$(CONFIG_PRISM54)"-line in
drivers/net/wireless/Makefile to
obj-$(CONFIG_PRISM54)           += prism54/
worked for me (the "subdir-($CONFIG_PRISM54)"-line can be deleted).
My drivers/net/wireless/Makefile currently looks like:
|obj-$(CONFIG_AIRO_CS)           += airo_cs.o airo.o
|obj-$(CONFIG_PRISM54)           += prism54/
|# 16-bit wireless PCMCIA client drivers


On 11/03/03 13:48:47, Chris de Vries wrote:
> My attempts to install the driver for Linux 2.4.23-pre9 were  
> unsuccessful; I kept getting error messages like:
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 80)
> and ERROR: prism54 could not upload firmware while loading the  
> module.
> So now I'm trying to install the drivers using linux.2.6.0-test9.  
> This wouldn't even compile. I'm getting an error: "No rule to make  
> drivers/net/wireless/prism54/prism54.c" while making the kernel.
> Anyone can guess knows what I'm doing wrong?
> Another question: Is the SMC2835W known to work with this driver? It  
> has an Prism Nitro chip set.
> Chris
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