[Prism54-users] Programmability of Prism GT and Activities of prism54

Luis R. Rodriguez mcgrof at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 23:57:20 UTC 2005

The site has had no updates becuase I haven't updated it, partly
because there are no major updates on the driver. We're stuck where we
are because of lack of documentation, and lack of developers
interested in the pending sections -- WPA, WDS, final cleanup.

Jean has followed up with a lot of updates on the softmac/usb
advancements on his site though:


The softmac driver is a different beast though.

On 6/1/05, Burak Simsek <simsek at informatik.hu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hi everybody, 
> as far as I understood from the home page of prism54, there is no new
> activity going on. Is there a problem with prism54? 
> Other question is, I have to modify some 802.11 functionalities and also
> programm 802.11e enhancement. Which one of the prism chipsets allow me to do
> this? Are the firmwares programmable? 
> Many Thanks 
> Burak Simsek 
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