[Prism54-users] islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying problem

umesh umesh at micro-web.co.kr
Wed Jun 15 02:10:45 UTC 2005

Hi all,

Since long  Im using  the prism54 driver for my customise embedded board
uClinux. Whenever I  power on the board  driver works absolutly
fine, without any problem, but when I do the reset or soft reset or reboot,
wireless interface come up without MAC address and sometime never come up.
firmware loading is fine all the time.
Only after power on and off  the driver works fine but not
on reset/reboot.
the following is the log messeges i get everytime when I boot the system
after soft reset/reboot .
# ifconfig eth1  up
isl38xx_upload_firmware(0xc2000000, 0xf80000)
Firmware loading success..
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 90
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 80
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 70
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 60
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 50
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 40
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 30
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 20
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 10
islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 0
(eth1) has no SIOCGMIIPHY function of ioctl

and the o/p of  ifconfig shows :

# ifconfig eth1
eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 iB)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 iB)

I checked that in this situation the IOCTL queue is always empty .
and no more interrupts are generated  by the card.
Is it the problem with IRQ ?

Does anybody face similar prob ?
Could U guys point what could be the problem? Why only power on/off
bring up the wireless interface ?
why not on soft reset/reboot,  it works?
ANy pointer is highly appriciated!!

Thanks & Rgds!!


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