[Prism54-users] Getting stuck when out of range

Richard Atterer richard@list04.atterer.net
Mon, 31 May 2004 11:45:30 +0200

On Sun, May 30, 2004 at 11:01:14AM +0200, Claas Hilbrecht wrote:
> If have a similar problem. The link is well all off the time (< 14
> Mbit/s) but sometime if I use the full bandwith sometime the connection
> drop. Only a ifdown/ifup will awake the connection. Disabling WEP
> improves the situation but even without WEP this sometimes happens.

Same here - the way I fixed it was to switch our prism54 WLAN access point 
from master into ad-hoc mode. This may just be a workaround, but it works 
for me...

It is interesting to note that in ad-hoc mode, I can do full-speed
transfers between any two hosts without problems - initially, I had only 
switched over to ad-hoc to avoid going via the AP for local data transfer, 
but now also full-speed transfers from/to the AP work.



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  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key:
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