[Prism54-users] Getting stuck when out of range

Claas Hilbrecht claas+maillinglists.prism54-users@jucs-kramkiste.de
Mon, 31 May 2004 15:26:08 +0200

--Am Sonntag, 30. Mai 2004 11:30 +0200 Giorgio Moscardi 
<enjoy.the.silence@iol.it> schrieb:

> well, same problem here! quite annoying :(. although it seems that the
> driver  for kernel 2.4 doesn't do this. i have not checked it a lot, but
> it does seem  to work correctly.

I'm using 2.4.26. So if you're using 2.6 this shouldn't be a kernel issue. 
Or at least not strictly related to kernel version 2.4 or 2.6.

 Claas Hilbrecht