[Prism54-users] Revisit: CVS - WEP = Crashes FIXED

J Yunke yunke@productivity.org
Mon, 1 Mar 2004 02:11:26 -0600 (CST)

> Are you running Linux box AP and succeeded to communicate between
> Linux 54g AP and windows 802.11b? What are you Linux iwconfig
> settings?

Yes, the Pentium 233MHz/128MB Linux box is my firewall and access point
(in Master mode), which has four network interfaces (Internet, DMZ,
Intranet, and SMC 2802W Wi-Fi).  It's running Slackware 9.1, with a stock
2.4.25 kernel + the prism54 patches, which patched cleanly.

Here's a part of my startup script -- I changed a few things for privacy

  /sbin/ifconfig eth3 netmask broadcast
  /usr/sbin/iwconfig eth3 mode Master
  /usr/sbin/iwconfig eth3 essid xxxx-wlan
  /usr/sbin/iwconfig eth3 enc s:1234567890123
  /usr/sbin/iwpriv eth3 setPolicy 2 # reject
  /usr/sbin/iwpriv eth3 addMac 00:00:ab:ef:cd:ab # laptop
  /usr/sbin/iwpriv eth3 addMac 00:01:ab:ef:cd:ab # desktop

> I only managed to get connected 802.11g clients to my Linux AP.

I've had no inter-operability issues.  Although, I do know that all of my
cards are Prism-based.  My Win2k Pro desktop is a 2602W (11Mbps), and my
WinXP Pro laptop has an integrated Creatix Prism GT (54Mbps) - I believe.


Btw, I mistyped and put 56Mbps in the last e-mail, for those of you
prism54-users literalists out there.  Comes from being in the telecomm
industry for too long.  :)

-- Justin