[Prism54-users] Getting stuck when out of range

Claas Hilbrecht claas+maillinglists.prism54-users@jucs-kramkiste.de
Thu, 03 Jun 2004 11:48:44 +0200

--Am Montag, 31. Mai 2004 11:45 +0200 Richard Atterer 
<richard@list04.atterer.net> schrieb:

> Same here - the way I fixed it was to switch our prism54 WLAN access
> point  from master into ad-hoc mode. This may just be a workaround, but
> it works  for me...

You're right. Switch to Ad-Hoc mode works fine. No problems at all. I can 
sent now more than 10 GB without any outage. So the "link lost" seems 
really to be a driver/firmware problem.

 Claas Hilbrecht