[Prism54-users] [ANNOUNCE] PRISM54 HOWTO v0.2

Allen Winter winterz@verizon.net
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:25:10 -0500


Sorry it has taken me so long, but the second draft of my "Howto"
for installing the prism54 driver is now up at


The doc is still Fedora/Redhat specific, but I'd be happy to add 
instructions for other distributions... or any other info that I may
have forgotten or needs modification.

Next I want to add a section on "how to setup the networking".
Feel free to send me info on how you got the network up and
running on your system.  I've read that some folks have had
to modify ifcfg-wireless and other things to get networking up.
Please send me tips and tricks that would help others.

Thanks for listening and reading,