[Prism54-users] Building against Suse 2.4.21-260

Tony Willoughby tonyw at pobox.com
Tue Dec 7 03:59:55 UTC 2004

I've upgraded my Suse 9.0 Professional kernel from 2.4.21-166 to
2.4.21-260 (via yast).  The upgrade included source code.

Since this upgrade, I can't compile prism54-1.1:

> islpci_mgt.c:25:31: linux/moduleparam.h: No such file or directory

Which is very odd, since /usr/include/linux/moduleparam.h exists:

-rw-r--r--  1 root  root 5230 2003-08-09 00:36 moduleparam.h

Anyone have any idea what's up with 2.4.21-260?

Before the kernel upgrade I built this driver and was using it with my
Netgear WG511 for months.

FWIW:  I had hoped to search the list archives for this problem, but
there seems to be no search function.

Tony Willoughby tonyw at pobox.com 
"Some nights I can't tell which finger the thumb pick goes on"
 -Warren Zevon

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