[Prism54-users] This CROND script seems to work!

david david@hulk.gulmu.com
Wed, 5 Nov 2003 17:30:09 +0100

1: You need kernel source tarball linux-2.4.22.tar.gz and 
linux-2.4.23-pre9.bz2 patch located in /somewhere/somedir
2: You need a config file named config-2.4.23 from a patched kernel in 
3: After that: this is my script

cd /somewhere/somedir/
file=`date +patch-2.4.23-pre9-prism54-CVS-%Y-%m-%d.bz2`
wget http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/kernel/v2.4/$file

if [ -f $file ];
	#Delete old kernel source treee
        rm -rf linux-2.4.22
	#Untar kernel source
        tar -zxf linux-2.4.22.tar.gz
        cd linux-2.4.22
	#Patch the kernel
        bzcat ../patch-2.4.23-pre9.bz2 | patch -p1
	#I use supermount
        #patch -p1 < ../supermount-1.2.9a-2.4.23-pre8.patch
        bzcat ../$file | patch -p1
	#Use old config file
        cp ../config-2.4.23 .config
 	#I have my own driver definition       
	#cp ../islpci_mgt.h drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_mgt.h
        make oldconfig dep clean bzImage modules
        echo "Kernel ok"