[Prism54-users] interface name wlan0

Kasper Fischer kasper.fischer@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri, 05 Dec 2003 20:03:16 +0100

Hi Nicolai Langfeldt,

thank You for the explanation. If it it that way we can stick with eth0, 
eth1, etc. ;-)


Nicolai Langfeldt wrote:

> Kasper Fischer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I also think that the name wlan0, wlan1, etc is more reasonable for a 
>> wireless network device. At least it is not a ethernet device AFAIK.
> Actually, "wifi" or "wlan" is a ethernet standard.  It's ethernet. 
> Ethernet is foremostly defined by a "ethernet frame", colission 
> handling and such, not cable.
> Apropos "ether":
> dict ether
> ...
>    ether
>        2: the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire
>           and water; was believed to be the substance composing all
>           heavenly bodies [syn: quintessence]
> ...
>      1. (Physics) A medium of great elasticity and extreme
>         tenuity, supposed to pervade all space, the interior of
>         solid bodies not excepted, and to be the medium of
>         transmission of light and heat; hence often called
>         luminiferous ether.
> wifi is the _real_ ethernet, it is transmitted over the ether :-)
> Nicolai