[Prism54-users] FYI: Master Mode / Ad-hoc mode broken

Claas Hilbrecht claas+maillinglists.prism54-users@jucs-kramkiste.de
Tue, 02 Dec 2003 17:17:48 +0100

> Not had a problem with Novembers' last kernel patch, nor had to do the
> up/down dance for gettin the card into Master mode. But Ad-Hoc ... nope.
> And I haven't patched Aurelian's snippet (i tried a 'patch -p0|1<...diff'
> in the src dir, but it wouldnt apply), still being relatively new to this
> might have something to do with it.   :) this forum's great.

No the patch you refer doesn't work for me. I applied the patch "by hand" 
and tried the patch without success. It would be really good if the driver 
will work in ad-hoc mode soon again.

 Claas Hilbrecht