[Prism54-devel] documentation used for prism54 driver authoring

Jean-Baptiste Note jean-baptiste.note at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jun 15 20:45:14 UTC 2005

Hello Mathew,

Mathew Boon <mathew.boon at gmail.com> said :
> Hi,
> I would like to know what documentation the authors of the Prism 54 driver 
> project had at their disposal in order to progress the project? 

None at all. The code was "donated as is" by intersil it seems.

> I understand the project is now abandoned, has it been superseded by
> the driver included in the kernel? Is this based on the source from
> this project, or is it the same project?

I'd like clarification on this one, too, because i've got a ton of
patches that i'd like to see included in the kernel eventually, because
they seem to improve the driver for many people.

The project is *not* abandonned, there are huge improvements to be made
to the driver, and fullmac chips are still made and widely used in the
embedded market. But lack of documentation means we have to somewhat
guess some things. As was the case for proper WDS state change.

The situation is obviously worse with softmac.

Are you interested in doing some development ? -- i'll help as much as i
can, and maybe we can ask some kernel people about what we should do to
get the patches into the kernel. If anyone's listening...


Jean-Baptiste Note
+33 (0)6 83 03 42 38
jean-baptiste.note at wanadoo.fr

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