WDS part (ex: Re: [Prism54-devel] Re: Prism54 in 2.6.4-bk2)

kaleda gadeanta@soften.ktu.lt
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 17:43:25 +0200

> > The WDS code was dead code as merged.
> > If you actually use it, I don't mind adding it :)
> I don't know of anybody who uses it. We did consider to drop it but we
> just never got around to deciding what we were going to do about it. I
> know it's there and it's *supposed* to work. 

I've got WDS working, bet the code had several bugs: it doesn't check
pointers and has possible pointer dereferences (memory is fried, but
pointers are not set to NULL and also pointers are not checked if they
aren't NULL).

I have fixed wds part, but my code is based on very (VERY) old cvs
snapshot, so ...

I should update to latest cvs snapshot and send paches to it.
