[Prism54-devel] prism54-usb firmware loading

Mark Reiche mark.reiche at gmx.de
Mon Jun 7 21:41:24 UTC 2004

Hi Helmar

>Hm ;-). Actually, the driver is not yet capable of doing any more than 
>creating an interface and downloading the software. Still, there is quite a 
>lot of work to be done to port the parts of the server which operates on the 
>pci/cardbus interface to USB.
Could it be - as the "newer" firmware is much smaller then the older 
ones - that some functionality was moved from the firmware to the driver?

>I intend to do a port of the rest of the functions belonging to the 
>pci/cardbus interface during the next weeks. Unfortunately, in real life I am 
>working on an urgent project, too, thus my time is rather limited :-(((
Well, THAT seems somehow familiar too me...

>BTW - has anybody worked on the USB driver in the last days? I would be glad 
>if we could concentrate our efforts to get that thing running. No work should 
>be done twice.... ;-)
I have quite some general programming experience - but not on kernel 
programming; and until now I didn't see, where to start - as the driver 
simply hung for some reason. That problem is solved, and if someone 
could give me a clue, I would like to contribute some of my unfortunatly 
also very little spare time on that...


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