[Prism54-devel] Open System Authentication

Stephan Lück lueck@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 13:41:56 +0100


when configuring open encryption with 'iwconfig eth1 key ... open' 
the WLAN-Adapter Netgear WG511 does not associate with 
the access point. If open system authentication is enabled then 
everything work fine.

Therefore, I suggest to integrate the following patch:

--- linux-2.4.23-rc3-prism54/drivers/net/wireless/prism54/isl_ioctl.c.original	2003-11-24 11:09:28.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-2.4.23-rc3-prism54/drivers/net/wireless/prism54/isl_ioctl.c	2003-11-24 13:43:50.000000000 +0100
@@ -1441,9 +1441,11 @@
 		 * invoke = 0;
 		 * exunencrypt = 0; */
-	if ((dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_OPEN) || force)
+	if ((dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_OPEN) || force) {
 		/* Encode but accept non-encoded packets. No auth */
 		invoke = 1;
+		authen = DOT11_AUTH_OS;
+	}
 	if ((dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED) || force) {
 		/* Refuse non-encoded packets. Auth */
 		authen = DOT11_AUTH_BOTH;

In addition, it might be useful if the user was able to control
authentication *separately*  from encryption. What do you think about
adding a private ioctl call which allows to use open system authentication
in combination with restricted encryption?

If you have any comments, please CC them to me. I'm not subscribed to this list.


Stephan Lück

Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 47
D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany