[Prism54-users] Re: [Prism54-devel] v2 cards.
Luis R. Rodriguez
Wed, 19 May 2004 18:12:09 -0400
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On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 09:38:01PM +0000, David Martinez wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi, i've seen that there might be a different release of prism54
> cards... I'm talking about the infamous SMC v2 or the Accorn WB4011B
> that i own .
> But i fear that they are not the only ones...
> Looking to the .SYS embedded firmware and debbuging the driver i
> realized that these cards use a different and shorter firmware and a
> modified queueing schema, so the prism54 driver cannot support it by
> the moment.
> I've tried to tweak the driver, and actually I've achieved to
> initiallice the driver, but the MAC is not well readed and when you
> try any iw* command my system locks... so i'm afraid that there is so
> much to do :(
> I want to know if you have in mind modifying the driver to these
> cards.=20
Hell yeah, if we can. We are talking with Conexant now to get specs=20
for these new type of cards.=20
> I want to go further and try to help you but i don't know how
> to get the specs of the card or if i must continue the try & test
> reverse work.
I'm not sure the details of how the spec distribution will work among
developers yet (if we do get them) but if we do get them and we do set=20
up a protocol for giving developers access to the specs you'll first
need CVS access (basically become a prism54 developer/mantainer). You can
accomplish this by just contributing to the current source base. Perhaps
fixing a few bugs/working on the TODO list (hmmm someone nuked TODO from
We also *may* get a driver framework from Conexant for the new prism54
driver. If so then you can just contribute to that code base if you don't=
feel like working on our current bugs, once we get it and if we get it ;)
> Maybe you have started to work on it.
> - --
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