[Prism54-users] Re: [Prism54-users] Getting stuck when out of range

Claas Hilbrecht claas+maillinglists.prism54-users at jucs-kramkiste.de
Mon Jun 7 18:24:07 UTC 2004

--Am Montag, 7. Juni 2004 13:14 -0400 "Luis R. Rodriguez" 
<mcgrof at ruslug.rutgers.edu> schrieb:

>> I want just report that the two stations now work nearly 46 hours
>> without  any problem in Ad-Hoc Mode.

It's still working in Ad-Hoc mode :)

> Since you had problems and it seem you can reproduce them, would
> it be possible for you to:
> 0. Use latest cvs driver code
> 4. Report bug in prism54 bugzilla

Yes, no problem. I assume you need to dmesg log from both stations?

 Claas Hilbrecht

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