[Prism54-users] eth0 & eth1 won't work at the same time

Warrick Lacey wlacey_6151 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 11 18:36:40 UTC 2004

Hi all,

I have an SMC 2806W 802.11g card in my machine as eth1
under Mandrake 10.0 which works great w/the prism54

The problem is when I try to use the other ether
device (i.e. eth0) eth1 (the prism54 device) ceases to
work or appears to no longer communicate.

Its like I can have eth0 (wired ethernet) or I can
have eth1 working (wireless ethernet) but not both.

Has anyone else seen this problem, if so how did you
resolve it?

The version of the prism54 driver is

Any help on this problem?



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