[Prism54-users] device soft reset timed out on ixdp425

Lai Li laili@interepoch.com.tw
31 Jan 2004 12:32:24 +0800

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i have change the wireless_tool on my embedded system ,and the error
messge disappear.
but my 802.11b/g mini-pci card is still not working.

when i try  patch-2.4.23-prism54-cvs20031217.bz2
Loaded prism54 driver, version
eth0: islpci_open()
eth0: resetting device...
eth0: uploading firmware...
remove_proc_entry: 00:03.0/loading busy, count=1
remove_proc_entry: firmware/00:03.0 busy, count=1
eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering reset..
de_put: deferred delete of loading
de_put: deferred delete of 00:03.0

but when i try patch-2.4.23-prism54-cvs20031221.bz2
Loaded prism54 driver, version
eth0: islpci_open()
eth0: resetting device...
eth0: uploading firmware...
eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering reset...

but when i use wireless_tools on two of these patches,the card is still
not working.

for example...
#iwlist  eth0 scanning
eth0      Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument

by the way, i use the same card and latest cvs patch on my x86PC
the card is fine and working correctly.

在 五, 2004-01-30 22:15, Lai Li 寫道:

> hi~~
> i try patch-2.4.23-prism54-cvs20031217.bz2 on my ixdp425
> #modprob prism54
> #ifconfig eth0 up
> #ifconfig eth0
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>           Interrupt:26 Base address:0xc000
> #iwconfig eth0
> lo        no wireless extensions.
> #dmesg
> Loaded prism54 driver, version
> eth0: islpci_open()
> eth0: resetting device...
> eth0: uploading firmware...
> eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering reset...
> eth0 (WE) : Buffer for request 8B1B too small (0<1)
> it is vary strange!!
> when i use iwconfig
> eth0 (WE) : Buffer for request 8B1B too small (0<1) <-----it will show
> in dmesg
> and iwconfig can not find eth0.
> i will try 1221 and 0115 patch later!!
> 在 五, 2004-01-30 10:39, Luis R. Rodriguez 寫道: 
> > This seems to be a common problem. I think its not my device anymore and
> > there's a bug at islpci_open / probe time. I'd say try an older driver
> > for now and let us know your results. Which one? Try perhaps these:
> > http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2003-12/prism54-cvs20031217.tar.bz2
> > http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2003-12/prism54-cvs20031221.tar.bz2
> > http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2004-01/prism54-cvs20040115.tar.bz2
> > 
> > I also see we must not have your card's subsytem IDs in our list. Can
> > you please submit your lspci -v -v -v -n output to us and the cardname/model?
> > 
> > 	Luis
> > 
> > On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 10:34:19AM +0800, Lai Li wrote:
> > > hi all
> > > 
> > > i have ixdp425, isl3890 minipci card and uclinux-2.4.22, 
> > > and i use latest kernel patch from cvs.
> > > 
> > > when ifconfig eth0 up,the message i saw is at below.....
> > > 
> > > <46>Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: Loaded prism54 driver, version
> > > <47>Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: prism54 driver detected card model:
> > > PRISM Duette/GT
> > > <47>Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: islpci_open()
> > > <47>Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: resetting device...
> > > <47>Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: uploading firmware...
> > > <47>Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering
> > > reset...
> > > <43>Jan  1 00:01:47 klogd: eth0: device soft reset timed out
> > > 
> > > what should i do??
> > > thx

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i have change the wireless_tool on my embedded system ,and the error messge disappear.<BR>
but my 802.11b/g mini-pci card is still not working.<BR>
when i try&nbsp; patch-2.4.23-prism54-cvs200312<B>17</B>.bz2<BR>
Loaded prism54 driver, version<BR>
eth0: islpci_open()<BR>
eth0: resetting device...<BR>
eth0: uploading firmware...<BR>
remove_proc_entry: 00:03.0/loading busy, count=1<BR>
remove_proc_entry: firmware/00:03.0 busy, count=1<BR>
eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering reset..<BR>
de_put: deferred delete of loading<BR>
de_put: deferred delete of 00:03.0<BR>
but when i try patch-2.4.23-prism54-cvs200312<B>21</B>.bz2<BR>
Loaded prism54 driver, version<BR>
eth0: islpci_open()<BR>
eth0: resetting device...<BR>
eth0: uploading firmware...<BR>
eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering reset...<BR>
but when i use wireless_tools on two of these patches,the card is still not working.<BR>
for example...<BR>
#iwlist&nbsp; eth0 scanning<BR>
eth0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument<BR>
by the way, i use the same card and latest cvs patch on my x86PC linux-2.4.24,<BR>
the card is fine and working correctly.<BR>
&#22312; &#20116;, 2004-01-30 22:15, Lai Li &#23531;&#36947;&#65306;
    <FONT COLOR="#737373" SIZE="3"><I>hi~~<BR>
    i try patch-2.4.23-prism54-cvs20031217.bz2 on my ixdp425<BR>
    #modprob prism54<BR>
    #ifconfig eth0 up<BR>
    #ifconfig eth0<BR>
    eth0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Link encap:Ethernet&nbsp; HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00<BR>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST&nbsp; MTU:1500&nbsp; Metric:1<BR>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0<BR>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0<BR>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; collisions:0 txqueuelen:100<BR>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Interrupt:26 Base address:0xc000<BR>
    #iwconfig eth0<BR>
    lo&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; no wireless extensions.<BR>
    Loaded prism54 driver, version<BR>
    eth0: islpci_open()<BR>
    eth0: resetting device...<BR>
    eth0: uploading firmware...<BR>
    eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering reset...<BR>
    eth0 (WE) : Buffer for request 8B1B too small (0&lt;1)<BR>
    it is vary strange!!<BR>
    when i use iwconfig<BR>
    eth0 (WE) : Buffer for request 8B1B too small (0&lt;1) &lt;-----it will show in dmesg<BR>
    and iwconfig can not find eth0.<BR>
    i will try 1221 and 0115 patch later!!<BR>
    &#22312; &#20116;, 2004-01-30 10:39, Luis R. Rodriguez &#23531;&#36947;&#65306; 
<PRE>This seems to be a common problem. I think its not my device anymore and
there's a bug at islpci_open / probe time. I'd say try an older driver
for now and let us know your results. Which one? Try perhaps these:</FONT>
<A HREF="http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2003-12/prism54-cvs20031217.tar.bz2"><FONT SIZE="3">http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2003-12/prism54-cvs20031217.tar.bz2</A>
<A HREF="http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2003-12/prism54-cvs20031221.tar.bz2">http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2003-12/prism54-cvs20031221.tar.bz2</A>
<A HREF="http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2004-01/prism54-cvs20040115.tar.bz2">http://prism54.org/pub/linux/snapshot/tars/2004-01/prism54-cvs20040115.tar.bz2</FONT></A>
<FONT COLOR="#737373" SIZE="3">
I also see we must not have your card's subsytem IDs in our list. Can
you please submit your lspci -v -v -v -n output to us and the cardname/model?


On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 10:34:19AM +0800, Lai Li wrote:
&gt; hi all
&gt; i have ixdp425, isl3890 minipci card and uclinux-2.4.22, 
&gt; and i use latest kernel patch from cvs.
&gt; when ifconfig eth0 up,the message i saw is at below.....
&gt; &lt;46&gt;Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: Loaded prism54 driver, version
&gt; &lt;47&gt;Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: prism54 driver detected card model:
&gt; PRISM Duette/GT
&gt; &lt;47&gt;Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: islpci_open()
&gt; &lt;47&gt;Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: resetting device...
&gt; &lt;47&gt;Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: uploading firmware...
&gt; &lt;47&gt;Jan  1 00:01:37 klogd: eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering
&gt; reset...
&gt; &lt;43&gt;Jan  1 00:01:47 klogd: eth0: device soft reset timed out
&gt; what should i do??
&gt; thx</I></FONT></PRE>
