[Prism54-users] Netgear WG511 on SuSE Linux Kernel 2.4.21 (Distro-Kernel)

S. A. sasoft@gmx.de
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 13:19:42 +0100

After a little success with McGroover's advice (the pcmcia-card is
recognized but there is a problem with the firmware loading thing) 
i decided to start from scratch and configured a kernel (2.6.1) which i
patched using "cat patchfile | patch -p1" in the /usr/src/linux-2.6.1/
dir (the patchfile is in the same dir)

when compiling, i get a:

scripts/Makefile.build:13: drivers/net/wireless/prism54/Makefile: File
or Directory not found
"... no rule to create drivers/net/wireless/prism54/Makefile . End."

(i translated the above messages from german to english, they are not
copied and pasted, they may look a little different on other machines)

what did i do wrong (i guess, i didn't patch the kernel the right way. i
never patched a kernel anyways, i just thought i did right since i was
able to select the prism-module in the "make xconfig" menus)

thx in advance :)