[Prism54-users] Output power patch

Stefan U. Hegner (Mobil) mobil@hegner-online.de
Fri, 09 Jan 2004 15:37:17 +0100

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Hi Kaleda,

Am Fre, den 09.01.2004 schrieb kaleda um 13:41:
> As promissed, I made the output power patch against todays latest cvs=20
> tarball.
> This patch uses standart wireless extentions output power ioctl, and is
> controlled with iwconfig txpower.
> I made no limitation (like 30dBm max or something) - I leave the
> firmware to limit it. I think it's honest way.

This sounds to me like an excellent extra feature - even though I had no
chance to try it yet. - Thanks for you efforts.

To the developers: What about incorporating this small bit of code in
the official version? - Wouldn't be bad to my mind!


/ Stefan Ulrich Hegner aka "Hegi" - Loehne/ Westfalen - Germany \
| mobil@hegner-online.de - primary Email stefan@hegner-online.de|
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