[Prism54-users] [NEWS] Prism54 firmware going down

Frederic Pasteleurs masterfrd@tiscalinet.be
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 01:12:58 +0100

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Simon.Green@vodafone.co.nz wrote:
> Do you have a HOWTO or anything on firmware extraction? It's probably
> very easy (eg, rename this file), but without a hint, many people will
> probably just pass over all these cards for Linux altogether. Which is a
> pity, as the driver works great (thankyou!) and the cards seem pretty
> good too. There are not many 802.11g alternatives for Linux yet. :(

Well, after examination of the windows drivers CD that came with my 
wireless card, it is fairly easy: locate a .arm file on the CD and 
copy/rename it to the correct location. It is even possible to make a 
script to automate this.

The main issue with those CD-shipped-firmwares is they're outdated: the 
version that came with my wireless NIC is, dated 31 Jan 2003. :-(

Do you think it would be possible to create an OSS firmware for those 
boards ??

Frederic Pasteleurs [http://belzebuth.ath.cx]

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