[Prism54-users] scanning function degrade problem...
Luis R. Rodriguez
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 20:58:11 -0500
On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 10:38:15AM -0800, Jianpeng Dong wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that under the following condition, the scanning function of the
> driver degrades rapidly until it won't be able to scan at all and generated
> the following error message:
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 90)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 80)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 70)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 60)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 50)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 40)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 30)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 20)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 10)
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 0)
> Actions taken by repeating:
> iwconfig eth0 mode master
> iwconfig eth0 ssid myssid
> iwconfig eth0 channel 4
> iwconfig eth0 mode managed
> iwlist eth0 scanning
> The reason I want to change the mode is that because I want to do the
> scanning, but when the mode is master, the scanning function does not
> perform well (a lot of wireless networks are missing during the scanning).
> In addition, if I only used managed more, the scanning can be repeatedly
> performed quite nicely without any problem for up to 40 times ( I did not
> have time to try more...). If I only used the master mode, the scanning
> function also degrades after dozens of times and then the only network it
> can find is itself.
I was unable to reproduce this. I actually am still able to get my same
iwlist eth1 scanning results after any amount of changes. Note though: I
do notice it does take a while for the card to pick the ssids around.
The jiffies error message you get is an error that is common old
versions of our driver. Can you try the lastest?