[Prism54-users] SMC2802W working
Elimar Riesebieter
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 13:55:23 +0100
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On Sun, 01 Feb 2004 the mental interface of=20
James Hosken told:
> I've just my SMC PCI wireless card working, thank prism54 for the drivers.
> I'm using debian testing and followed most of the Fedora howto.
> But the how to doesn't tell you how to make the wireless interface come=
> up automatically when the machine is booted.
> To get the wireless card to work at the minute, each time I boot
> I have to
> bring up the interface assign the wireless variables and then restart=20
> networking.
> Is there any way that all of this can be automatically on boot?
This is the job of hotplug. But the Debian hotplug startscript
/etc/init.d/hotplug doesn't allow to load the firmware needed to fire
up your card. I filed a bug (Bug#226441) against this and am using
the startscript out of the original hotplug sources. If you like, I
can send you that script via PM.
Do you smell something burning or ist it me?
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