[Prism54-users] xterasys xg-600 with coyote 4 board

Wan Ahmad Zainie Wan Mohamad zainie.mohamad at tricubes.com
Fri Aug 20 09:16:57 UTC 2004


i'm running snapgear 3.1.1 from
on my coyote 4 board from http://www.adiengineering.com/productsCoyote.html.

i have a mini pci wi-fi card xterasys xg-600 card
i using prism54 driver version 1.2 downloaded from http://prism54.org.

in file islpci_dev.c, i make one change.

while (_fw_len > 0) {
	/* use non-swapping writel() */
	// __raw_writel(*fw_ptr, dev_fw_ptr);
	/* swapping */
	writel(*fw_ptr, dev_fw_ptr);
	fw_ptr++, dev_fw_ptr++;
	_fw_len -= 4;

instead of using __raw_writel, i use writel.

i paste the dmesg output after running ifconfig eth0 up.

... cut here ...
eth0: islpci_close ()
eth0: islpci_open()
eth0: resetting device...
eth0: uploading firmware...
eth0: firmware uploaded done, now triggering reset...
eth0: device soft reset timed out
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response 100, triggering device
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response 100, triggering device
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response 100, triggering device
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response 100, triggering device
eth0: timeout waiting for mgmt response
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full
eth0: mgt_commit has failed. Restart the device

i had google and read prism54.org forum with no clue.
hope somebody could point me somewhere.


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