[Prism54-users] Problem with iwconfig on SMC2802W

Javier Fafián Alvarez JFAfafian@navegalia.com
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 02:21:00 +0100

On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 02:27:56PM +0100, Tor Řyvind Fluřr wrote:
> Hi all
> I got no problem loading my driver, but when I try to set the ssid with
> iwconfig i get the following message:
> hub:/# iwconfig eth1 essid "net"
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 90
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 80
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 70
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 60
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 50
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 40
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 30
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 20
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 10
> islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffies left = 0
> Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :
>     SET failed on device eth1 ; Connection timed out.
Now i am using a k7, and i have the same problem. A retring solves it
But i want to run it in a p133, but i have irq problems, ż May be like
you ?
> My system is a Pentium 133 with the SMC2802W pci card.
I have the same card
> I also get an error in the boot message, but I don't know if it's related:
> Starting hotplug subsystem: input** can't synthesize input events -
> /proc/bus/input/devices missing
> pci** can't synthesize pci hotplug events
> usb
I have get the same error in the k7, but the card runs ok. This is not
the problem

Un Saludos 

Javier Fafián Alvarez		| Sembrando trigo una vez, cosecharás una vez.
Ingeniero Técnico Agrícola	| Plantando un árbol, cosecharás diez veces.
Administrador de Sistemas	| Instruyendo al pueblo, cosecharás cien veces.
Linux Debian SID (unestable)	| -- Kuan-Tseu.