[Prism54-users] WG511 card (islpci_mgt_response) lockup

James C. Clark jclark@eng.auburn.edu
Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:02:27 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 9 Nov 2003, Nicolas Geoffray wrote:

> Upgrade!
> I had the same problem some days ago but the latest patch correct it.
> Nicolas

Thanks for the suggestion. I grabbed yesterdays (09) patch and things seem
a little better but the card still locks up. Especially if I start
saturating the link with traffic. After looking at the changelog it
appears this problem is being actively worked on so I will just wait a bit
longer and keep trying new patches as they become available.


> > Nov  9 11:13:31 thor kernel: islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffi
> > es left = 80
> > Nov  9 11:13:31 thor kernel: islpci_mgt_response(): queue empty, retrying (jiffi
> > es left = 70
> >
> > Are these caused by a bug in the driver module, a kernel config problem,
> > pcmcia/cardbus problem, whatever? Is anyone else experiencing this? In order to
> > get things working again I have to deconfig, cardctl eject, cardctl insert,
> > reconfig. After that the card works fine again for some new random amount of time.
James Clark              Engineering Network Services
334.844.2280                  Auburn University