[Prism54-users] Makefile adjustment

matt.carnegie matt.carnegie@btopenworld.com
Wed, 05 Nov 2003 11:00:51 +0000

Oh..ok. And thanks very much for the quick reply.

  However, that's  only partially sorted out my problem understanding 
it, as my kernel make dep reports:

make _sfdep_prism54 _FASTDEP_ALL_SUB_DIRS="prism54"
make[7]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.23/drivers/net/wireless'
make -C prism54 fastdep
make: *** prism54: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: Entering an unknown directorymake: Leaving an unknown 
directorymake[7]: *** [_sfdep_prism54] Error 2

The /net/wireless Makefile:
obj-$(CONFIG_PRISM54)           += prism54/prism54.o
subdir-$(CONFIG_PRISM54)        += prism54

The files are just not being placed there...when I copy prism54.o 
manually..there's no differenc!

Thanks very much quick reply so far

Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 01:37:13AM +0000, matt.carnegie wrote:
>>I'm having a little trouble with adjusting the Makefile to fit, largley 
>>because I can't make out what the following line is doing:
>> := $(shell echo $(KVER) | sed -ne 's/^2\.[567]\..*/k/p')o
> well this does yield 'ko' when the pattern matches the version
> "2.[567].*", otherwise it yields 'o'; KEXT is the extension used by
> kernels (in 2.6 modules are named '.ko')
>>Clearly, KEXT is used to place prism54.o somewhere in 
>>usr/src/linux/drivers/net/wireless with this line
> that's incorrect
>>install -c ksrc/prism54.$(KEXT) $(KMISC)
> this should copy the prism54 module into some
> /lib/modules/$(KVER)/misc folder...
> regards,