[Prism54-users] Network pb

S. Anderson sa@xmission.com
Tue, 23 Dec 2003 06:43:01 -0700

On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 06:06:33PM +0100, Laurent Decreusefond wrote:
> I am trying to install prism54 driver on my thinkpad. The 2.4.23 patched
> kernel compiles smoothly, modules are loaded but I can't have any network
> even with my wired card 3com 3c556B Hurricane. Is there any option to be
> disable (or enabled) during compilation. Any working .config would be
> appreciated.

I think we need more info to help you. what errors do you get when
trying to enable your network? whats your ifconfig/iwconfig output? any
thing odd with your dmesg output?
also you dont have to patch the kernel, If you are having problems 
with your .config, you could revert to a kernel that works and then 
compile and install the prism54 driver seperately. but I guess no 
distros come with 2.4.23 yet, so you may have to recompile your 
kernel anyway...