[Prism54-users] Mode tests

Bjørn Mork bjorn@mork.no
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:49:44 +0100

Claas Hilbrecht <claas+maillinglists.prism54-users@jucs-kramkiste.de> writes:

> The latest CVS snapshot show this output on my system:
> eth4      SMC2802W  ESSID:"xxx"
>           Mode:Ad-Hoc  Channel:3  Cell: 4A:FE:E7:AA:64:8C
>           Bit Rate:54Mb/s   Sensitivity=20/200
> I don't think it good the create a list that says: "SMC2802W" is
> served by prism54 and so on. Maybe the information should become
> "SMC2802W/prism54"?

include/linux/wireless.h (Version 16 as included in Linux 2.6.0) says

 #define SIOCGIWNAME     0x8B01          /* get name == wireless protocol */
 /* SIOCGIWNAME is used to verify the presence of Wireless Extensions.
  * Common values : "IEEE 802.11-DS", "IEEE 802.11-FH", "IEEE 802.11b"...
  * Don't put the name of your driver there, it's useless. */

So, the name should probably be IEEE 802.11a, b or g depending on
modulation, frequency and bitrate?
