[Prism54-users] Cardservices and Prism54

Stefan U. Hegner (Mobil) mobil@hegner-online.de
Thu, 04 Dec 2003 16:55:57 +0100

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Hi Brad,

Am Mit, 2003-12-03 um 10.14 schrieb Bradley Chapman:
> > somewhere in your email I picked up some notes of anger or frustration
> I wasn't angry or frustrated, I was distracted -- I was doing something e=
> when typing that e-mail. I apologize if I upset you or offended you in an=
y way.

You did none of the two. But I'm committed not to unnerve the people in
the community out there, because I often get stuck without help. Hence I
try to be sensitive. - That's all.

> There may be -- but most of the documentation I read when futzing around =
with my
> wireless device (a Linksys WPC11 ver.3) indicated that pcmcia-cs is for 1=
> PCMCIA cards and that hotplug handles the 32bit Cardbus cards. I could be=
> though -- try disabling pcmcia-cs altogether and see if things still work=

If I issue /etc/init.d/pcmcia stop and then insert my SMC2835W nothing
happens. This means, that there's a need for some part of cs to run in
the background.

In the meantime I "tuned" my config a bit:

> > a.) modified /etc/hotplug/net.agent in order to call iwconfig before
> > calling ifplugd.=20
> >=20
> >         case $INTERFACE in
> >           eth1)
> >             mesg calling iwconfig for $INTERFACE ...
> >             /sbin/iwconfig $INTERFACE mode managed essid myessid
> >           ;;
> >         esac
> >=20
> > This is not really elegant - but it works, since eth1 is on my machine
> > my Primsm54 Adaptor.

> > b.) created /etc/sysconfig/networking-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 (eth0 is a
> > wired interface) with the following:
> >=20
> > DEVICE=3Deth1
> > BOOTPROTO=3Ddhcp
> > WIRELESS_MODE=3Dmanaged
> > WIRELESS_ESSID=3Dmyessid
WIRELESS_ENC_KEY=3D{my secret wep key here}

c.) added a line to /etc/modules.conf

alias eth1 prism54

Now the hotplugging of the card while my Mandrake is fully up works most
of the time fine. Occasionally I need to re-insert the card for proper

However, I had some hickups with MDK Hardware-detection scripts when the
Prism54 card is in the notebook on bootup. You get a nasty request
whether you want to config the device. It's possible to ignore that and
simply eject/insert the card once the system is up.

OK. That's all from this construction site for now.


/ Stefan Ulrich Hegner aka "Hegi" - Loehne/ Westfalen - Germany \
| mobil@hegner-online.de - primary Email stefan@hegner-online.de|
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