[Prism54-users] FYI: Master Mode / Ad-hoc mode broken

Claas Hilbrecht claas+maillinglists.prism54-users@jucs-kramkiste.de
Tue, 02 Dec 2003 21:36:23 +0100

> Some of  you are reporting success / failure with Ad-hoc and/or Master.
> Please provide the kernel you are using. I failed to report that I'm using
> 2.4. It seems that Master/Ad-Hoc works on 2.6.
> 1. Is there anyone using 2.6 which doesn not have Master/Ad-Hoc working?
> 2. Is there anyone using 2.4 with 2.4 with Master/Ad-Hoc working?
> By working I mean you just:

Not working with kernel 2.4.23 and CVS checkout as posted before. iw* 
programs are from wireless tools 26. The iw* programs are compiled with 
uclibc 0.9.20.

 Claas Hilbrecht