[Prism54-devel] Re: Strange problem with wds in prism54

Rainer Weikusat rainer.weikusat at sncag.com
Sat Apr 9 23:15:14 UTC 2005

Jean-Baptiste Note <jean-baptiste.note at wanadoo.fr> writes:
>> [01][80][c2][00][00][00][00][04][e2][80][7d][42][00][2e][42][42][03][00][00]
>> To my untrained eye, this looks like 
>> 1/ a prism54-specific header, 6 bytes
> The 01-80-c2 OUI is used in 802.3 for event notification, so it is
> indeed some kind of "special case", and the MAC here is meaningless.
> Time to check the standard, i guess, but if anyone understands
> this...

It's an ethernet group address (link layer multicast) and used for
spanning tree negotiation (according to various lists on the web).

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