[Prism54-devel] WG511: Taiwan VS China issue?

Tim Chick chick at computergeek.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Sep 24 13:47:33 UTC 2004

Hi Benoit, 
I'm not a Prism54 developer, but wonder if you could try the attached version 
of ksrc/islpci_dev.c Its based on the CVS latest tarball from today 
This should try reading back the firmware, which should allow the driver to test 
if the card can not be used. I have not tried it as I do not have a linux box with 
a Prism54 card in at the moment. 
Could you reply with the output please? Then the Prism54 developers could 
integrate this test if they wished. 


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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