[Prism54-devel] Long timeouts while roaming

Ulrich Hochholdinger hochhold at fzi.de
Mon Oct 18 15:30:52 UTC 2004

In my setup i experienced long timeouts when the card loses it's
accesspoint and searches for a new one. 

Setup is as follow:

About 60 802.11g Accesspoints from artem in a tunnel-system where mobile
robots equipped with an 802.11g mini-pci wireless-card (Artem Comcard)
drive along. 

System on the robots is Debian woody with kernel 2.4.25 with rtai
Driver-version of the prism54-driver is v1.2. 
Firmware version is:

when the card loses its Accesspoint it lasts for about 14 seconds before
the new accesspoint is detected. Sometimes it finds the same accesspoint
As workaround, I installed a small script that every second grep the 
MAC-Adress of the actual accesspoint, and if its 00:00:00:00:00:00 it does 
an "iwconfig eth1 ap auto". With this Script the timeouts are in about 3
to 5 seconds.

So the question is, where do I have to search the problem for these long
timeouts. Is this hardware-dependend or is the roaming done in the
Or are there any other hints to prevent using such an ugly script.


\ Ulli Hochholdinger                               E-Mail: hochhold at fzi.de \
/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /
\ Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere \
/ in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)     /
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