[Prism54-devel] patch to fix bugs in latest wds cvs snapshot

Sergio Ammirata ammirata at econointl.com
Wed Nov 17 15:00:00 UTC 2004

Here is a patch that includes the following:

1) gcc 2.95 ifdev incompatibility (fixes a compilation error).
2) islpci_mgt.c fixes that prevents the firmware from being loaded (this
will help you if you were able to load the firmware before 11/04/2004 and
are not able to load it in the latest cvs).
3) A pci speed patch that I found on this list (seemed harmless and it said
it would give me more speed) ;)

There is still one bug with the latest CVS (at least with my system). Steps
to reproduce:
Modprobe prism54
Ifconfig eth1 up
Ifconfig eth1 down
Rmmod prism54

The rmmod prism54 produces a segmentation fault and the module stays in
memory in a strange state and the only way to get rid of it is rebooting.

One last question: Many of the other wireless drivers use custom naming
conventions for their interfaces ... wlanx for example. Does anyone have
strong feelings about this?
Personally I would like wlanx instead of ethx. Where do I change this?


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