[Prism54-devel] Prism GT in 3Com ADSL 11g Wireless Router (3CRADSL72)

Carlos Valdivia Yagüe valyag@dat.etsit.upm.es
Thu, 8 Jan 2004 23:01:06 +0100

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Hi all,

It seems the 3Com ADSL 11g Wireless Router uses the Prism GT chipset.
The device seems to be a poor quality rebrand of SMC or perhaps Belkin,
and it is distributed by Ya.com, a spanish ISP.

By examining the latest router firmware upgrade[*] and using this


undef $/;
$bulk =3D <>;
(@f)=3D ($bulk =3D~ m/(?:($hb.*?$he.{18}).*?)+/sg);
for(@f) { $i++; open F, ">fw$i.zip"; print F $_ }

to extract the first .bin, one of the three resulting files is exactly
the same as http://prism54.org/firmware/isl3890, so I suppose it uses a
Prism GT. Some people claim that a SMC Carbus card is enclosed in the
box, although I haven't checked it personally yet. It could be a SMC

Let me know if I can provide useful information.

[*] http://www.3com.es/promotions/yacom/yacom_upgrade.html

Carlos Valdivia Yag=FCe <valyag@dat.etsit.upm.es>

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