[Prism54-devel] [PATCH] find out about PCI power management

Claas Hilbrecht claas+maillinglists.prism54-devel@jucs-kramkiste.de
Thu, 01 Jan 2004 13:25:05 +0100

--Am Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2003 20:29 +0100 Jens Maurer 
<Jens.Maurer@gmx.net> schrieb:

> In the TODO file, there is this comment:
>   * highpri: Determine when to set the 2 undocumented pci bytes. It is
> needed
>              to achieve card stability for some people, but it fucks
> everything

I don't know if this is related to my problem but I will report it anyway.

I have a SMC2802W card in a gigabyte mainboard 6BXE with bios revision F2e. 
This is an old Pentium II Mainboard with a BX chipset. The card works fine 
with one expection. If I reboot the machine via "reboot" or a hard reset 
the mainboard hangs after counting the memory in about 90% of the cases. 
The remaing 10% the boot continues to the second Bios screen where all the 
information about the CPU, memory, installed IDE devices and so is 
displayed, sometimes the board hang in a reset loop and a very few times 
the board is able to boot linux, but as soon as the prism54 driver is 
loaded there are only "jiffies" errors.

This problem occurs with the driver from 29.12.03. Sometimes I was able 
with older drivers to do some iwconfig ethX mode managed, ifconfig ethX 
down, rmmod prism54 and can reboot the machine. I will now try the driver 
from 31.12.03.

Since my friend has the exact same configuration (mainboard, card, 
software) I think there is a driver problem with older mainboards.

 Claas Hilbrecht