[Prism54-devel] Re: [Prism54-users] Master/Monitor

Harald Welte laforge@gnumonks.org
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 15:48:51 +0100

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On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 04:03:29PM -0500, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
> FYI,
> Master/Monitor are still broken, I had to commit some changes just so the
> other devs can commit ontop of some changes I was making. So for now
> please disregard reporting Master/Monitor bug reports.

Is this still supposed to be true?

If yes, what is the particular issue?  Maybe I'd find some time and dig
into it.

> If you want Master/Monitor please use older cvs snapshots unless you just
> want to help test.

what is 'older'? would snapshot from dec 02 be fine?

> 	Luis

- Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>               http://www.gnumonks.org/
Programming is like sex: One mistake and you have to support it your lifeti=

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